Vacuum Pump Repair & Service

Get in touch

Our aim is to respond to all e-mails within 24 hours on normal working days (Monday to Friday)

VACPRO (Vacuum Process Solutions) specialise in the service and repair of a large range of vacuum related products and equipment. As official service partners for leading global vacuum equipment suppliers such as Edwards Vacuum, Vacuubrand and MKS Instruments, you can be assured of the highest quality products and technical knowledge and expertise. Our workshops are certified to ISO9001:2015 and we are committed to providing a very high level of service to all of our customers. We can service/repair the majority of vacuum equipment including:

            • Edwards Vacuum (including Stokes, Hick Hargreaves & Gamma Vacuum brands)
            • Vacuubrand
            • Leybold Vacuum
            • Pfeiffer Vacuum (including Alcatel/Adixen brands)
            • Busch Vacuum / Becker / Rietshcle
            • Agilent/Varian
            • Jacomex Gloveboxes
            • MKS FTIR & RGA Instrumentation
            • Calibration of MFC's & Vacuum Gauges

Edwards Authorised Service Distributor                   Vacuubrand logo 2022

Pump Repair & Maintenance
We carry out periodic maintenance and repairs to all the major manufacturer’s vacuum pumps, these include Scroll, Dry Claw, Oil Sealed Rotary, Boosters, Diaphragm and Piston pumps plus many more. All service work is carried out to the highest levels of quality in our ISO9001 certified workshops with our fully trained technicians. All of our repairs come with full 12 month warranties on the work carried out. We can also arrange for service or maintenance work to be carried out on-site, including service contracts or site audits.

Service Exchange
We have a Service Exchange program where we can replace your faulty equipment with fully refurbished product at very competitive prices. You simply notify us of the equipment details and complete our Health & safety Declaration Form HS2 and when you receive the refurbished pump from us, simply send back the faulty equipment in exchange. This is an attractive and cost effective solution which gives very fast turnaround times when your equipment is down.

We can offer both standard and fully traceable calibration of your equipment to National Standards (including 17025 Accreditation on Mass Flow Controllers). We can carry out calibration and verification to Pressure Transducers, Vacuum Gauges, Mass Flow Controllers, Verifiers and Liquid Flow. We guarantee fast turnaround times and competitive pricing on all calibration work.

Refurbished pumps

We always have stock of high quality refurbished products for those customers wishing to purchase equipment at a lower cost but with peace of mind. All our used equipment is fully refurbished to ‘as-new’ quality and always comes with a full 12 month warranty so you can buy with confidence.

Leak Detection

We offer a helium leak detection service either at our workshop or on-site. Our helium leak detectors are fully certified and offer very high performance. Our fully trained technicians are available at short notice to help find any suspected leaks in your vacuum system.



If you want to return your equipment to us, please read and complete this VACPRO SRN-01 (Health & Safety Declaration Form)  carefully and send it to your contact at VACPRO.

PDF logo link to SRN-01

SRN-01 Health & Safety Form


  • List all the substances, chemicals or gases that have been used with the equipment on this declaration, whether they are
    potentially dangerous to human safety or not
  • Send the MSDS Safety Sheet with this form for any of the substances that are potentially dangerous to human health
  • Email this completed form (in English) to VACPRO, this form MUST be approved before you return your equipment to us